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Team Collaboration
Coming Soon
Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call.
Get any community running with moderation tools and custom member access. Give members special powers, set up private channels, and more.
Low-latency voice and video feels like you’re in the same room. Wave hello over video, watch friends stream their games, or gather up and have a drawing session with screen share.
Engage with your customer when your platform requires it.
Send message to Discord
Sends a message to a Discord workspace, in given channel, with given priority, and with links to connected journy.io apps.
Discord is a powerful workplace collaboration tool that can also send and receive data or event notifications. For example, you can configure your web applications to send notifications to a Discord channel whenever a certain conversion event occurs. However, you’ll need to write custom webhook code directly into your application for each event you wish to record and send in this way. The exact implementation will depend on your application language and architecture.
You can use your existing journy.io installation without modification to start sending notifications to Discord channels. Enabling Slack in journy.io, you’ll be able to immediately send event data from mobile, web and server sources to any specified channel in Discord. You can use convenient handlebars.js templating to control and populate the messages with data from any track() event. Simply enter into your journy.io settings the name of your Discord instance’s Incoming Webhook URL, and journy.io will forward any data it collects to that endpoint for you, automatically.
Moreover, journy.io allows to send various engagement messages automatically towards Discord, upon Product-led Growth signals being triggered. These formatted messages includes customer intelligence and direct links to respective customer records from your tech stack.
Create your free account and start driving a product-led growth strategy with the tools you're already using.