Sync platform data, with PLG scores, signals and other intelligence

Push platform data, including Stages, Health, Scores, Segments and other PLG intelligence right into your apps.

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The problem we solve

When you are running product and development for a SaaS company, chances are big that you've already received requests from your marketing, sales and customer success peers to 'sync' platform data into a CRM, or to some BI tools.... or even to dump all data into a data warehouse.

Of course, that's not all the work there is. Now you'll be asked to start keeping track of counters. Typically counters representing how many times a certain features was triggered during the last 7 and 30 days. And of course, since these counters are assumptions to start with, you'll have to alter them and A/B test them on a regular basis, against best possible conversion.

And finally, let us hope that engagement tools are not frequently changed, as you'll be stuck with updating and maintaining APIs all the time.

Without CDP, your integrations topology looks like a mess...

Maybe a very last concern should be around B2B. Lots of data is kept on user level...yet true B2B decision should be made on account level, reflecting counting users that did or didn't trigger key features in the past. This translates into keeping historical track of every event and property change on both user and account level.

How we solve the problem connects to both platform (and website) and all engagement tools in use, builds data and event catalogues, tracks every property, events, screen, marketing channel and campaign, ... and allows you to easily create customer intelligence to consolidate what customers are doing on your platform and how they interact with your brand. All point-and-click, nothing to code, no SQL needed...and thus, easily operable by non-developers. connects to platform, website and engagement apps.

The logic that can be build are both on user- and account level and includes conditions on user-account relationships. E.g. A 'Active Admins' segment can be build for each user that is an admin, AND that is admin for at least one account that has at least 50% users that were active the last 7 days. These are difficult conditions to implement natively into a SaaS platform.

On top of that, will continuously sync select data across your entire stack, making sure all teams have consistent data to work with, on top of receiving tasks and triggers on how best to engage with each customer individually. provides APIs and SDKs for most commonly user developer platforms, both for storing data as for retrieving B2B customer intelligence.

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